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Bringing a Dog Home? Here are Top Tips for Dog-Proofing Your House

Posted by Bridget Herbig on August 13, 2024

Quinn Anderson Realty Solutions wants to help everybody find a home they can feel comfortable in… including furry friends! Whether you’re looking for a place to move into or are moving a new pup in, we’ve jotted down a few of the essential points to cover when prepping a home for a new best friend.

The Essentials

Regardless of your living situation, these are a must for any dog.

  • Food and water bowls: Keep these out of the way to avoid any extra messes. Consider adding a placemat underneath to protect floors and make clean-up easy.
  • Bed: Select a comfortable bed based on your dog’s size and sleeping habits.
  • Toys: Provide a variety of toys to keep your pup engaged and happy.
  • Collar and leash: Ensure a good fit and consider adding an ID tag.
  • Designate a quiet area: Provide a calm space for your dog to relax. This could be a crate, a bed set in a lower-traffic room, or even a seat on your sofa.
  • Cleaning supplies: Accidents happen, so be prepared.

Keep Them Safe

  • Store hazardous items: Put away medications, cleaning supplies, and potentially harmful objects.
  • Protect your plants: Some plants are toxic to dogs, while others might be precious. Elevate plants out of the reach of curious mouths.
  • Secure electrical cords: Prevent chewing accidents.

Creating a Dog-Friendly Outdoor Space

  • Create a secure environment: If you have a fenced yard, survey the perimeter for any escape routes and update as needed. For unfenced yards, use an extra-long lead to give your pup some freedom while ensuring they stay nearby.
  • Water sources: Provide fresh water, especially during hot weather.
  • Shade: Offer shady areas for your dog to escape the sun. Shade can easily be provided by a tree or shrubs, or your dog might enjoy a dog house or awning. Be mindful of how the sun moves throughout the day to ensure your dog always has a shade option.
  • Digging zone: Some dogs really need to dig. It’s just instinct. Create a designated area for digging to prevent damage to your yard.
  • Entertainment: Provide toys and interactive puzzles to keep your dog stimulated.

Dog-Proofing Checklist

Quinn Anderson Real Estate Solutions is ready to help out too! Connect with our team to help guide you to a town or community that fits your needs. Our team is ready to help you find your next home!


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